Contact Information for ToltNews -- North America's Icelandic Horse Magazine

Tölt News Listing Ad Rates & Info

Rates & info:

Our listing is a new addition and service in the new Tölt News. On the page across from our classified ads in every issue we have a listings page, with categories of services. The listing of the services includes different types of services, service professionals, trainers, farriers, farms, stallions and more - to make it easier to find the service, or person, or trainer, or whatever a consumer might be looking for!

The listing includes the name, address, phone, email and website of the lister. See sample below:

Joe Smith’s Equine Service
123 Equine Avenue
New York, NY 12345
(212) 555-6789

1 listing appearing in 2 issues and on this website for one year, $40

1 web listing appearing on this website for 10 years, $150

For your convenience, listing ads can be paid for by credit card via PayPal, or by sending in your payment by check in US dollars. Credit card payments can only be accepted through our website. Please DO NOT send us your credit card information by mail.

Tölt News Listing Ads Deadlines:

Spring/Summer issue: May 1st
Fall/Winter issue: November 1st


Step 1: Submit Your Listing

All listing ads will be placed in the next issue and on our website. You will either get billed or you can pay with a credit card via PayPal right after you submit your information below. Fields with an * are required to be completed.

A value is required.

A value is required.

A value is required.

A value is required.

A value is required.

A value is required.

A value is required.



I would like one listing for 2 issues for $40 *

If not paying via PayPal, please send your check to Tolt News, PO Box 165, Ancramdale, NY 12503 and please reference the name of your ad and include your name as well.