ToltNews -- Order Back Issues and Calendars

Missed an Issue? Get a Back Issue!

Since most of the information in Tölt News is timeless, backissues are more than collector’s items – they are part of a growing library of Icelandic horse knowledge. You’ll find yourself returning again and again to certain issues, articles, and more.

Unfortunately not all of our back issues of Tölt News are available anymore, but in a continued effort and for your convenience, we have and will continue to place our back issues on Magcloud, our print-on-demand service.

Please go to and search “Tolt News” in the upper right hand corner and you will see which back issues are available for purchase.

Once you’ve selected an issue that you’re interested in, you can flip through the magazine before purchasing or simply purchase it. You are also able to purchase one, two or a hundred copies - the magic of print-on-demand! The magazine should arrive in your mailbox from Magcloud in about a week’s time.


Missed a Calendar?

Want the latest calendar? Or don’t have a super subscription but would still like a calendar? Or want to get an extra calendar? That’s easy to get!

Please go to and search “Tolt News” in the upper right hand corner and you will see our calendars and back issues available for purchase.

Icelandic Horses are featured in Tolt News