7 | The Road to Herning
The Canadians are Off to WC
11 | Kicking off the 2015 show season
All Across North America
15 | Gígja
The Art and Love of Horses and Photography
21 | Passion to action:
The Spring Season at Léttleiki Icelandics
27 | The Art of Liberty and Caeli
Its Mæstro
Icelandic Horse Mæstros
35 | Is America drowning?
Icelandic Horse Issues
39 | My special horse:
Skjómi from Tolt Away
43 | Listings & classifieds
Cover Info: Gígja won Iceland's magazine competition this year with this photo of the stallion Markús frá Langholtsparti. Photo by Gígja Einarsdóttir